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ISME members are drawn from around the world and are engaged in the broadest defintion of the profession. Members are invited to create a profile in the membership database to enable other members to find them if, for example, they are looking for partners for collaborative research and enables ISME to send targeted communications. Individual members are also featured on the ISME website home page.

Members can choose whether or not to make their profile public. This means not all ISME members are shown in the option below.

Mr. Jyrki Tenni
Jyrki Tenni is a pianist with a special interest for keyboard accompaniment and improvisation - practical piano skills for everyday life - including playing, teaching,...
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Lebanon, Australia
Ms. Vyvienne Abla
“Vyvienne’s reputation as a highly competent producer with deep connections in the arts community of Western Sydney as well as broad connections in the contemporary...
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United Kingdom, Australia
Mr. Ryan Lewis
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China, China
Dr. Qiran Wang
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Dr. Wei GUO
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Mrs. Loredana Muntean
The continuous improvement of the general (and musical) educational process represents a challenge of the contemporary pedagogy that, although it abounds with innovative, theoretical and practical ideas,...
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Mr. Steve Ryan
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Georgia, Sweden
Mr. Iveri Kekenadze Gustafsson
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Roland Mayor Fronda, EdD
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