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Home / Our Work / Special Interest Groups / Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education SIG
Kindergarten children playing classroom instruments
Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education SIG


The ISME Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education Special Interest Group was founded by Markus Cslovjecsek (Switzerland), Liora Bresler (USA/Israel), Koji Matsunobu (Japan), Joan Russell (Canada), Frits Evelein (Netherlands) and Discussant Kari Veblen (Canada/USA) in 2006 at the ISME World Conference in Kuala Lumpur.


The mission of the PRIME SIG is to contribute to the advancement of the discourse in music education. This advancement will be implemented by stimulating discussion of the theoretical, philosophical, methodological and applied issues around the topics of curriculum integration. It includes the integration of other cultures, musical traditions, stakeholders involved, and the integration of new teaching approaches and tools in music education. The whole range from prenatal development via early childhood to adolescence is among the interests of this group. The focus of the group is targeted around music education integrated in the dialogues for life-long learning fostered by the voice of teacher education.


PRIME’s aim is to integrate music as an indispensable, permeable aspect of education, taking into consideration all the facets of integrated education.


The PRIME SIG accomplishes its mission by:

  • Meeting at various international and regional conferences including AERA, RIME, EAS, MERYC and the national ISME societies in Europe and around the world. Connections with national networks and groups connecting with music integration in education will be fostered.
  • Curating a series of world conference presentations that are designed to take forward best practice.
  • Meetings at the ISME world conferences and its pre-seminars.
  • Collaborating within the ISME network especially with the following commissions:
    • Research Commission
    • Community Music Activity Commission (CMA)
    • Early Childhood Music Education Commission (ECME)
    • Music in Schools and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC)
  • Co-operative research and development based, music pedagogical and arts integrated projects within educational societies, organizations, networks, associations and institutions.
  • Building connections between the working life and multiple teacher education programs (such as early childhood teacher, classroom teacher, early childhood music teacher, music teacher, music pedagogue)
  • Student-teacher exchanges between universities

We want to express our deepest gratitude to all our collaborators, especially to the GAPMET association from Greece. It is important for us to keep continuing this kind of collaboration.

Steering Group

The PRIME SIG Steering Group comprises of the following members

  • Kaarina Marjanen, Finland - Convenor
  • Muusa Lehti, Finland - Co-Convenor
  • Hubert Gruber, Austria - Steering Group Member
  • Sabine Chatelain, Switzerland - Steering Group Member
  • Carlos Lage-Gomez, Spain - Steering Group Member
  • Sharon Lierse, Australia / Finland - Steering Group Member
  • Catherine Ming-Tu, USA - Steering Group Member
  • Markus Cslovjecsek, Switzerland - Past Convenor
  • Maria Argiriou, Greece - Past Convenor


Click here to contact the PRIME convenor, Kaarina Marjanen

Click here to contact Muusa Lehti for membership and practical issues.

Join the LinkedIn group and the Facebook group. You don't need to be an ISME member to join.

There is also a YouTube playlist on the ISME YouTube channel.

Related people
Dr. Kaarina Marjanen
Convenor of the Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education (PRIME) SIG
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Muusa Lehti
Muusa Lehti has a Master's degree in education, and she is a class teacher specializing in music education. She works as a university instructor in...
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Dr. Hubert Gruber
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Dr. Sabine Chatelain
Convenor Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education (PRIME) SIG
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Dr. Carlos Lage Gómez
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Dr. Sharon Lierse
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United States, United States
Dr. Catherine M. Tu
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Prof. Markus Cslovjecsek
Founder and Past Convenor of the Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education (PRIME) SIG
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Greece, Greece
Cultural Policy and Music Education
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