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Home / Member / Dr. Hubert Gruber

Hubert GRUBER,, Dr.phil., music teacher, educationalist and author; teaching and researching in didactic for music at the University College of Teacher Education of Lower Austria in Baden/Vienna ( The focus of his work is teaching and learning in connection with music and arts in the context of dialogical-integrative processes. A comprehensive publication activity and a variety of lectures and presentations at international conferences document this work in practitioner-research. From 1985 to 2011 he was teacher in music education at different Austrian schools; since 1992 lecturer for music education at several Universities at different times, the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, the Kunstuniversität Graz, the Mozarteum Salzburg and the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien and lecturer for Continuous Education Courses for Teachers. Editor and publisher of the dialog platform . In cooperation with the Haus der Musik Vienna and the Lang Lang International Music Foundation he has developed the music education project “Stairplay – music step by step” ( Together with Kaarina Marjanen he is coordinator of the Eapril Cloud 9: Sounds & Arts in Transversal Learning ( Member of the sigPRIME Steering Group ( of the ISME (International Society for Music Education). Since 2002 member of different ministerial working groups. Since 2014 Chairman of the ministerial Textbook Commission for music. Since 2019 ministerial Head of the commission for the development of curricula in music in the primary and secondary level. Member of the Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna.

