The Research Commission was the first commission formed within the International Society for Music Education. Its first meeting took place in Reading, England, in 1968. In 2018, the ISME Research Commission celebrated its 50th-anniversary pre-conference seminar in Dubai. Additionally, a second celebration took place through the Jornadas de Investigación en Artes: 50 Años Después in Buenos Aires, Argentina, under the auspices of the ADOMU and Fundación UADE.
The Research Commission Seminar brings together a broad range of participants from the various branches of music, including music education, psychology, performance, theory, composition, sociology, and musicology, to share and discuss research methodologies and findings. Our common interest in pursuing inquiry and scholarship contributes to a learning environment for early career and experienced researchers characterized by hard work, substantial scholarship, and collegiality.
The Research Commission holds as a central value that the theory and practice of music education be underpinned by a strong research evidential base. The Research Commission promotes the development of an inquiry-based approach to the theory and practice of music education that draws on a range of research methods and techniques.
The mission of the ISME Research Commission is to:
The Research Commission accomplishes its mission by providing workshops, lectures, seminars and demonstrations in different locations in order to build research capacity and to promote research expertise in all regions of the ISME membership. Commission seminars, held immediately before each world conference, bringing together early career and experienced researchers from around the world.
To contact the ISME Research Chair, you may email Ramiro Limongi.