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Following the 2012 ISME World Conference in Thessaloniki, ISME, in conjunction with Gibson, provided funding for a resource for Greek schools and teachers. Working throughout 2013 The Euterpe Project - a song database consisting of Greek and non-Greek songs suitable for use in school music lessons at all educational levels.
Aims of the Project
The aims of the Euterpe Project were:
- To offer music teachers and general school teachers, music material for educational use, including scores and instructional recommendations for classroom music teaching.
- To offer music teachers further professional training and specialised help with teaching ideas and their application in school.
- To enrich the school music repertoire with new songs.
- To offer free access to material and guidelines to everyone who wants to expand his/her ideas for music teaching-learning.
- To create a song database with a view to continuing the compilation of a rich digital anthology of Greek songs and songs from other cultures for educational use.
- To promote modern teaching methods, open to cross-disciplinary links and connections with other arts.
- To encourage and support the non-specialist classroom teacher (primary or nursery school teacher) in the use of music and song in his/her teaching, utilizing the raw material and proposals of "Euterpi."
A full report of the project can be downloaded from this page.
A report of the Euterpe Project