The Music in Schools and Teacher Education (MISTEC) Commission held its first seminar in Switzerland, in 1976. It is one of the oldest commissions of ISME and concerns itself specifically with music education in schools, curricula, assessment and teacher education.
MISTEC promotes and supports the effective teaching and learning of music in school settings through increased understanding of curriculum development, instructional practices and innovations in music teacher education.
MISTEC believes that music should be made available to all students in all schools and at all levels by professional music educators. It further supports the premise that teacher education programs should aim to produce highly qualified future music teachers and support their continuous professional development. MISTEC believes in its international role as a body for promoting theoretical and practical innovation, research methodologies and policy development to meet the challenges faced by music educators worldwide.
The mission of MISTEC is to promote and support:
MISTEC accomplishes its mission by disseminating research and information through various publications, networking offered to ISME members and by holding a seminar immediately before each world conference. MISTEC also hosts a public discussion group on Facebook as a means of sustaining the community between seminars.
Here are the MISTEC Commissioners for the 2024-2026 biennium:
Click here to contact the MISTEC Commission Chair, Dr. Elissavet Perakaki
Join the MISTEC Facebook group. You don't have to be an ISME member to join.