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Home / Other Publications / ISME 13th Latin American Reg Conference & 5th Pan Am Reg Conference, Proceedings Cancun 2021
ISME 13th Latin American Reg Conference & 5th Pan Am Reg Conference, Proceedings Cancun 2021
07 Jun 2022
Patrica A. González-Moreno, Sergio Figueiredo and Euridiana Silva

This book contains manuscripts presented at the 13th Latin American Regional Conference and 5th Pan American Regional Conference ISME 2021, held in August 2021. The conference was virtually hosted by Universidad del Caribe and the Ministry of Education in Quintana Roo, Mexico. This compilation includes a wide range of topics in music teaching and learning, across different educational contexts, and represents the contribution of music educators and scholars from 15 countries in the American Continent. Completed papers were fully refereed by the members of the Scientific Committee before inclusion in the conference proceedings.

ISME Cancun Proceedings 2021 Download

