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Home / News / Welcome the new Board 2022-2024
Welcome the new Board 2022-2024
22 Jul 2022

Following the vote and the General Assembly, the new Board has been announced as follows:


Bo-Wah Leung

Bo-Wah Leung is currently Professor and Head of Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, and Director of Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera at The Education University of Hong Kong. He has been a Board member three times: 2004-06, 2014-16 and as a member of the executive team in 2012-14, as well as co-editor of International Journal of Music Education (2012-18), commissioner and commission chair of MISTEC (2004-10) and of the Research Commission (2012-18).



Patricia Gonzales-Moreno

Patricia González-Moreno is Professor of Music Education in the Faculty of Arts, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico. She has served ISME in different capacities: as a Board Member (2012-2016), Chair of the ISME Advocacy Standing Committee (2012-2016); member of the organizing committee for ISME World Conference (Porto Alegre, 2014); member of the organising committees for the North American and Pan American Regional Conferences; ISME representative in the World Alliance for Arts Education; and member of the Editorial Board for ISME Revista Internacional de Educación Musical

Past President

Emily Achieng' Akuno

Emily Achieng' Akuno is Professor of Music at the Technical University of Kenya, in Nairobi. She is a past president of the International Music Council.

Members at Large

Lee Cheng


Lee Cheng is an interdisciplinary artist-teacher and researcher. He is currently working as Associate Professor in Games at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). Apart from being a Board member of ISME, he is serving different roles in multiple organisations including Co-opted Council Member of the Royal Musical Association (RMA), Theory Examiner of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), Arts Education Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC), and Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Music Education (IJME).

Jessie Hsiao-Shien Chen

Jessie Chen

Hsaio-Shien (Jessie) Chen is Professor of Music at National Taichung University of Education in Taiwan, and also executive director of Taiwan Kodaly Society. She is a commissioner of the ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine. This is her first term on the Board.

Flavia Maria Cruvinel

Flavia-Maria Cruvinel

Flavia Maria Cruvinel is Associate Professor of Music Education at the School of Music and Performing Arts and Assistant Dean of Extension and Culture of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. This is her first term on the Board.

Natassa Economidou-Stavrou

Natassa Econonomidou Stavrou

Natassa Economidou Stavrou is Associate Professor in Music Education and the Associate Head of the Department of Music and Dance at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. This is her first term on the Board.

David G Hebert

David G Hebert leads the Grieg Academy Music Education research group and manages the state-funded Nordic Network for Music Education, which coordinates intensive Master courses and teacher exchange across Northern Europe.

Julie Ballantyne

Julie Ballantyne is Associate Professor in Music Education in the School of Music at the University of Queensland, Australia. She is the Editor of the journal Research Studies in Music Education,

 Gwen Moore

Gwen Moore

Gwen Moore is Director of Teaching and Learning at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland and served two terms as Chair of the Society for Music Education in Ireland (2013-2017) and the ISME INA Council.  She is a member of the international editorial board for IJME (the International Journal of Music Education). This is her first term on the Board.

Sandra Oberoi 

Sandra Oberoi

Sandra Oberoi is the Founder and Director of Harmony - The Music School, India; Choir Director of the award winning choir The Harmony Chorus;  and is an international singer and a motivational speaker. She was an organiser of the ISME South Asia Conference 2017. This is her first term on the Board.

Otukile Sindiso Phibion

Otukile Phibion

Otukile Sindiso Phibion is an Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Botswana, and a renowned Music Educator, Choir Conductor, Adjudicator and a Television Broadcaster for school music programmes. This is his first term on the Board.

Marja-Leena Juntunen

Marja-Leena Juntunen is Professor in Music Education and works in the teacher education program at the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki.

Carlos Poblete Lagos

Carlos Poblete Lagos is Associate Professor at Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences, in Chile, and Visiting Researcher at University of Munich. He was chair of the organising committee for the 9th Latin American regional conference.

Bradley Merrick

Bradley Merrick is currently Senior Lecturer (Music and Arts Education) at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.


