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Home / News / Report from ADOMU in Argentina
Matilde Berbel
Report from ADOMU in Argentina
19 Sep 2017

Report from ADOMU, the Asociacion de Docentes de Musica (Argentinian Music Teacher Association), and the ISME national affiliate in Argentina.

Matilde Berbel
Chair of the Argentinian Music Teacher Association (ADOMU)

Dear colleagues

It is not easy to summarise the actions of the Argentinian Music Teacher Association (ADOMU), after almost sixty-two years of existence, in a short article. However, I will try it.

ADOMU is a non-profit, legal entity, a member of the Federal Education Network, and acknowledged by the Private Education Administration. It was founded on 29 November 1955 by Professor Juan José Valero and colleagues who were willing to support and improve music education, wherever it is taught in our nation. Therefore, they intervened in negotiations with education and culture authorities, offered continuing education opportunities, organised congresses, educational concerts, choral and instrumental composition competitions, etc.

From the beginning, ADOMU developed pedagogical and artistic projects tending to promote quality teaching practices in diverse contexts.

The association’s bylaws consider the possibility of establishing links with other professional societies both national and foreign and, valuing diversity, avoid the adoption of any political, religious or ethnic standpoint.

Professional updates and research are also essential to our activities, through traditional, distance and virtual courses, pedagogical counseling, conferences, etc.

Seeking to fulfill its objectives, some of ADOMU’s accomplishments are its participation in the drafting of national Law 14,473, regulating teacher working conditions, or the achievement of equal recognition for music courses within general secondary-level education, by adopting similar approval requirements to that of the other subjects in institutions under the national Ministry of Education.

Board members, such as Professor Juan José Valero, Dr. Ana Lucía Frega and Professor Luis Dabini, established the committee for curricular updating for the secondary level, and Dr. Frega was consultant for the education reform required by the Federal Law of Education.

Music teachers and students will find in ADOMU a space to share experiences, increase their knowledge and repertoire, and to interactively reflect on music teaching practices and their importance in children, youth, and adult education not only technically, but also aesthetically and formatively.

Since 2016, after the 32nd ISME World Conference in Glasgow. ADOMU represents ISME in Argentina as a national affiliate. Having met the requirements and supporting ISME’s mission, we join the other INAs to exchange experiences, mutually strengthen our actions, and collaborate for improving the status of music education at international level.

Looking forward to sharing our rich experiences in this new role, fraternal greetings to the readers of this newsletter,

Professor Matilde Berbel
Chair – ADOMU
Representing ISME in Argentina
Visit our website at

With sadness we note that Matilde Berbel passed away on 27 November 2017. ISME sends condolences to family, friends and the many who knew and respected her and her work.

