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The latest news from ISME
30.03.2018 | News
Music education in Russia is quite different to the experience in many other countries. This is a fascinating report.
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Places that will be visited on the tours
28.03.2018 | News
Discover Baku and nearby sights
Baku is one of the most ancient cities in the world. Day tours during the conference introduce you to the...
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Places that will be visited on the tours
28.03.2018 | News
Discover more of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is an ancient nation, one of the oldest in the world and it's definitely part of the road less...
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Ana Luisa Veloso
28.02.2018 | News
Music Education in Portugal: Past, present, future
Portugal has taken a different approach to music education.
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Join the conversation with Chee Hoo Lum
28.02.2018 | News
Situating Fusion in Music Education: A Viewpoint from Singapore
What is fusion? Asked and answered from the perspective of multicultural Singapore.Do you agree? Your comments are invited.
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27.02.2018 | News
Expanding diversity in music education: teachers impacting social change.
In a less formal blog, Sheila Woodward asks questions about diversity and teachers impacting social change. Your comments are encouraged.
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Magali Kleber
30.01.2018 | News
The Music Educator and Social Justice: Challenges and Commitments.
Magali Kleber overviews her work focussing on the music educator and not music education, amongst peripheral, poor populations, referencing her...
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Logo for Canadian music association
30.01.2018 | News
Report from CMEA/ACME in Canada
The CMEA/Acme fosters the advancement of teaching and the lifelong learning of music. A busy agenda includes conferences, publications and...
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Ugur Alpagut
30.01.2018 | News
33rd ISME 2018 Baku World Conference preparations continue with speed.
The ISME World Conference is one of the most significant meetings of music held in the Turkic region since the...
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