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Richard Hallam
Update from the ISME National Affiliate Council (INA Council)
05 Jun 2017


by Richard Hallam, Chair, ISME National Affiliate Council

Originally published in the ISME Member newsletter, January 2017

The 2014-16 ISME Board voted to establish a new ISME National Affiliate (INA) Council consisting of representatives of all of the current INAs. Having chaired the first meetings of the new INA Council at the ISME world conference in Glasgow last July, as the Chair of the Music Education Council (the INA for the UK), it is my honour to have been elected to chair this new Council through to our next conference in Baku in 2018.

Thanks to the efforts of INA Council members, our Past President, Sheila Woodward, and the commitment of current President, Lee Higgins, and President Elect, Suzie O’Neill, we now have terms of reference and some initial steers on the kinds of issues we should be considering.

Our remit is to provide advice to the Board to help shape the direction, activity and policies of ISME; to collaborate between the nations represented on the Council and to help grow the number of INAs As our first task we are revisiting the application process and the privileges and responsibilities that apply to INAs.

You can see a full list of INA Council members on the ISME website.  Profiles of the individual INAs will feature in the monthly newsletters and there will be further details about them on the ISME website over the next few months.

So, if there is already an INA in your country, I hope you will engage with them and support their work. If there is not an INA in your country, I invite you to read the download attached, which outlines how to join and the benefits of being an INA.  I hope you decide to apply. Either way, if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me, be email, Skype to richard.hallam.mbe or phone +44 7850 634 239 (UK).

Thanks to Regina Murphy (Ireland) and Polyvios Androutsos (Greece) for writing the article, which was originally published in the ISME Newsletter in October/November 2010.

