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Home / News / Report from the 11th ISME Latin America Regional Conference
Magali Kleber
Report from the 11th ISME Latin America Regional Conference
30 Oct 2017
Magali Kleber

The 11th ISME Latin America Regional Conference, which took place from 8th to 12th October 2017, was held by the School of Music of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in conjunction with the Brazilian Association of Music Education (ABEM) and Natal city (Brazil). Focusing on the theme Latin American Music Education: Linking Identities and Strengthening Interactions the event attracted almost 300 delegates from Brazil, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Mexico, including music teachers, researchers, students and other professionals who work in different contexts of learning and teaching music.

The event offered one main conference, three roundtables, workshops, and paper and poster sessions. During the four days, 173 papers and posters were presented by the participants covering a range of topics on music education for different ages, levels, contexts and purposes. The live music program was also presented during the event with a variety of groups and musical repertoire full of joy. The whole event provided a great discussion of sociocultural, epistemological and political perspectives to emphasise cultural diversity and interculturality as a material and symbolic richness in the constitution of the cultural identities of Latin American countries.

One of most important results of this conference is the collective proposal of the Latin America Network for Music Education for strengthening the connections to “implement a collaborative space in music education, capable of promoting and disseminating the knowledge among the participants of Spanish language and Portuguese language in Latin America, including several countries in the region”. This experience shows us that the partnership with ISME is very important and essential to continue to further advance the points discussed in the event. It shows us how important it is to stress the Latin American cultural diversity and interactions between institutions as a great opportunity to strengthen the music education field.

The official report of the conference is attached to this page at the right hand side.

Report from 11th ISME Latin America Regional Conference 2017 Download

