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Congratulations to Routledge book winners
14 Jan 2019

Congratulations to the winners of the Routledge books in the recent ISME prize draw.

This is who won and what books they chose to use their voucher to buy:

Gary Casity Jr won a £200 voucher which he spent on : Sociology for Music Teachers, by Hildegard Froehlich, Gareth Dylan Smith, World Music Pedagogy v.IV by Mark Montemayor, William J. Coppola, Christopher Mena, Music Theory Through Improvisation by Ed Sarath, and Music of Latin America and The Caribbean by Mark Brill, African American Music Edited by Mellonee V. Burnim, Portia K. Maultsby

Gary also said: "Please express my thanks to all at Routledge and ISME who made this possible. These resources will be a tremendous benefit to my students and my teaching practice."

John Habron won a £100 voucher which he spent on: What a body can do, Ben Spatz, Communities of Musical Practice, Ailbhe Kenny, Body, Sound and Space in Music and Beyond: Multimodal Explorations, Clemens Wöllner, and Performed Ethnography and Communication: Improvisation and Embodied Experience, D Soyini Madison

Ryan Humphrey won a £100 voucher which he spent on Sociology and Music Education by Ruth Wright, A Brief Introduction to A Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis by Thomas A Regelski, Taking a learner centred approach to music education by Laura Hildren, Jessica Pitts and Music and Empathy by Elaine King, Caroline Waddington

Michel Hogenes who won a £100 voucher which he spent on: What is Music Literacy? by Paul Broomhead and World Music Pedagogy, Volume V: Choral Music Education by Susan J. Bartolome

ISME thanks Routledge for their generous support and for providing these books. In most member newsletters there is an offer from Routledge and coming soon will be a draw for all members to win copies of the new ISME Routledge books. Keep an eye out!

