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Call for Applications to serve as Co-Editor of the IJME!
31 May 2024

International Journal of Music Education (IJME): Co-Editor

Applications are being accepted for Co-Editor of the International Journal of Music Education.

This refereed journal comprises scholarly articles that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of music with a special interest toward an international constituency and of interest and relevance to the international community. The Co-Editor work closely with ISME and with the staff of SAGE Publications, who publish IJME on behalf of ISME. The new Co-Editor will share full responsibility for the manuscript review and selection process and will work closely with SAGE in preparing articles for publication.

To apply for the Editorial Board of IJME, click here.

To apply for the Editorial Committee of RIEM, click here.


The person appointed as Co-Editor will be expected to provide the leadership and vision needed to further develop IJME in the rapidly changing academic and commercial arena. The IJME Editors work together to:

  • Provide editorial leadership for IJME, particularly in terms of enhancing the quality and range of materials published in the journal, thereby making the journal attractive to and interesting for readers/subscribers.
  • Ensure that the journal is developing and reflecting changes in the discipline.
  • Work with SAGE to ensure that the journal has a competitive edge in the market.
  • Encourage new submissions, including those from under-represented voices.
  • Effectively manage the Editorial Board: oversee the refereeing process, draw upon the board for advice and guidance.
  • Assist the ISME Publications Committee with recruiting and maintaining a comprehensive and diverse panel of reviewers.
  • Liaise effectively and efficiently with authors.
  • Disseminate authors’ work effectively, including publication of abstract translations in designated languages.

The Co-Editor(s) selected in 2024 will begin a 6-year term of service in December 2024 concluding in December 2030.


  1. The applicant must be a member of the International Society for Music Education at the time of the initial application and retain membership throughout their term of service. Previous participation at ISME conferences, seminars, etc., is desirable.
  2. The applicant must be a professional music educator who has a national and international reputation as a scholar, as evidenced by academic training and by an outstanding and continuing record of high-quality scholarly publications in refereed music education journals.
  3. The applicant must have at least 4 years' experience as either an editor (chair of an editorial board or committee) or as a member of an editorial committee for a professional music research journal. Additional related experience, such as editing/reviewing book manuscripts, supervising doctoral thesis/dissertation research, etc., also is desirable.
  4. As the primary language of this publication is currently English, the applicant must be able to read, write, and review scholarly articles in English. Competence in one or more additional UNESCO languages (French, German, Spanish) or Asian languages would be an advantage. This information should be provided in the letter of application.
  5. The candidate should have regular access to, and facility with, online communication and editorial tools.
  6. The applicant must assure the selection committee that they are willing and able to volunteer the necessary time to carry out the duties as Co-Editor (averaging at times up to 5-7 hours per week).
  7. The applicant must assure the Publications Committee that their employing institution will support the applicant's tenure as Editor in terms of released time, use of facilities, and contribution of an editorial assistant for several hours per week. Alternatively, the applicant must guarantee that they are able to undertake this in their own time outside of their regular employment. This support must be assured for the entire term. The Co-Editor will be expected to attend biennial ISME World Conferences, and the employing institution/applicant must guarantee that they are able to attend regularly. ISME does not provide funding for this.
  8. The applicant must understand that this is a prestigious, voluntary position, which provides an important service to the profession. Expenses directly incurred as a result of this position will be reimbursed (e.g., copies, telephone, etc.). The applicant must be willing to travel to attend ISME World Conferences held during the term of office, without financial support from ISME.

How to Apply

 The applicant must provide the following documentation in support of his/her candidacy:

     1.  A curriculum vitae, to include only:
        i. Academic preparation
       ii. Employment history
      iii. Publications
      iv. Teaching awards or recognition 
       v. Editing, reviewing and thesis/dissertation supervisory experiences
      vi. Presentations at major national and international meetings
     vii. Offices held in the profession
    viii. ISME activities
      ix. Any other information that might be helpful in establishing the applicant's qualifications for Co-Editor.

   2.  A cover letter, signed by the applicant, assuring the selection committee of his/her willingness to be responsive to the position, in terms of both duties and time.

   3.  A letter signed by the applicant's employer or a statement signed by the applicant if no institution is to be involved, assuring the conditions stated in Qualification #7 above.

   4.  Three letters of recommendation from nationally or internationally recognised researchers in music education, testifying to the applicant's qualifications. In addition to scholarly qualifications, letter writers should be asked to address the applicant's ability to interact and communicate positively, clearly and diplomatically with a broad range of international clientele.

Submission Format

  • All items must be submitted as one PDF document.
  • Applicant's last name should be in the title of the file along with the word CoEditor (example: LastNameCoEditor.pdf).
  • E-mail you application to the Publications Committee Chair Dr Gwen Moore, at using “IJME Co-Editor Application” as the email subject line.

Important Dates

Deadline: Applications must be submitted no later than 1 July 2024.
The new Co-Editor will be appointed by the end of December 2024.

