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Home / News / 34th ISME World Conference online: program announced
34th ISME World Conference online: program announced
23 Jul 2020

Due to the world circumstances, the 34th ISME World Conference was cancelled and a 'flavour' is being staged online. This reflects the original theme for the 34th ISME World Conference of Visions of Equity and Diversity, a timely reminder of music's power to unite our humanity while respecting our differences.

The program is as follows:

Types of event

There are two types of sessions as well as the General Assembly.

Presidential Sessions: These are the President's selection of papers that collectively best represent the conference theme of equity and diversity, and that would have showcased the week's program overall. These are now presented as recordings. These videos will be released in the morning of the date shown below. There is no need to register but the sessions will only be available to ISME members. The links will be send to members by email.

Thought Leader Session:  This session is designed to bring a different perspective to our music education community. It enables us to hear from others in our wider world, who we may not otherwise encounter. The session is hosted by Susan O'Neill, ISME President and Dean of the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. Time shown is Helsinki time. To check the time in your zone we use World Time Buddy. The session will also be recorded. Participants at the live event will be encouraged to ask questions. Again, this session is only open to ISME members. The link to register for the Thought Leader session has been sent to members by email. It can also be found on this page and members will need to log in to access that page. Note: the registration will close an hour before the session.

All sessions will be accessible from a dedicated web page and members need to log in to access it.


Monday 3 August

Presidential Sessions

  • Lily Chen-Hafteck (USA) - Music for Everyone: Visions of Equity and Diversity in Brazil, China, Poland, Kenya and USA
  • Nicholas Bannan (Australia) - Visions of Equity and Diversity in Singing: Cross-cultural Investigation of Evolution and Practice
  • Anita Prest (Canada) and J. Scott Goble (Canada)- The Promise of Indigenous Research Methods for Music Education Scholarship 
Tuesday 4 August
Presidential Sessions
  • Julie Ballantyne (Australia) and Nicole Canham (Australia) - Music Teachers’ Reports of Their Self-efficacy: Implications for Support Across the Career
  • Phil Mullen (UK) - Challenging Voices: Music-making with Children Excluded from School Because of Their Behaviour
  • Rebeqa Rivers (USA) - Disrupting Systems of Oppression: using Critical Pedagogy Tools in Music Education

Wednesday 5 August

Presidential Sessions

  • Glenn Nierman (USA) - Using Assessment to Enable Young Musicians' Musical Growth—An Issue of Equity
  • Adena Portowitz (Israel) -Addressing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through Mediated Instrumental Music Education

Thursday 6 August

Thought Leader Session

Deborah Cheetham in conversation with Margaret Barrett. 2am Helsinki time. Live event and registration required.

General Assembly.

4pm Helsinki time. All members are encouraged to attend. A recording will be available.

Friday 7 August

Presidential Sessions

  • Carol Frierson-Campbell (USA) - Musicking in Place: Noticing Musical Becoming in Palestine
  • Emily Akuno (Kenya) - Developing and Harnessing Folk Music as a Tool for Education: A Report from Five Countries

