Susan O'Neill is Professor and Head of Learning and Leadership at the Institute of Education in the Faculty of Education and Society, University College London. Previously, she was Dean of Education at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, President of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) 2018-2020, and a member of the Presidential Council of the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE). Her interdisciplinary background includes degrees in music performance (BMus, MA), education (MA) and psychology (PhD). For 30 years, she has taught at universities in Canada, Hong Kong, Portugal, UK and USA, and held visiting fellowships at the University of Michigan (2001-03), University of Melbourne (2012), and Trinity College Dublin (2015). Her current research includes studies of young people’s music engagement and music learning ecologies, intercultural communication and creative practice, and intergenerational multimodal curricula. She has published widely in the fields of music psychology and music education, including contributions to 16 books published by Oxford University Press. She co-authored the book Why multimodal literacy matters: (Re)conceptualizing literacy and wellbeing through singing-infused multimodal, intergenerational curricula (Sense Publishers, 2016) and an intergenerational arts program she developed received a Canadian provincial award for Excellence in Public Education.

Susan O'Neill
United Kingdom
University College London