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Home / Member / Dr. Ronel De Villiers

My doctorate in Music Education from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, references Higher Education Multicultural Musicking practices and programme content. As a Senior Music Education lecturer, I have won numerous teacher education accolades from the University of South Africa. I am a recipient of the Faculty of Education, Dean’s Award for Best Research Achiever (2021) and the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Music Education Teaching (2013).  I have developed a “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” model in Music Education where the influence of decolonised transformation processes with regard to contextual, institutional, biographic and programmatic changes, was penned down. My research focus is on transformative Multicultural Musicking experiences in Higher Education. A transdisciplinary focus on music and other education electives is a new research avenue. As the postgraduate coordinator of the Music Education department, the role is underpinned by my supervision of multiple MEd and PhD students. Various South African universities make use of my services as an external examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate students. I also serve on the Creative Arts panel for the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

My Vignette research in South Africa as well as with Innsbruck University expands the research horizon. My 2018-2019 post-doctoral duties as a visiting Professor at Innsbruck University and the Mozarteum in Austria, included conference presentations and teaching Multiculturality in Education. A research article, book chapter and scholarly book were published during this period.

I am an Editorial Board peer review member of the International Journal of Music Education (IJME) as well as the Pan African representative for the History Society Committee (HSC) of the International Society of Music Education (ISME).  I am also part of Inclusive Education at UNESCO.

