PETE SPARKES Artistic Director, Drake Music Scotland
Pete has worked with Drake Music Scotland since 2005, initially as an Associate Musician, then Education & Training Officer. He was appointed as Artistic Director in December 2009. His particular specialism is working creatively with children and adults with additional support needs – including the use of music technology and other innovative tools like Figurenotes notation.
He was Education Officer of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra from 2002-2005. As a freelance project leader he devised and delivered creative projects with many different participant groups for various organisations including: Drake Music Scotland, Scottish Book Trust, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Artlink Central, and Jessie’s Fund.
Pete is a graduate of the Creative & Cultural Skills Future Leaders programme 2011 and was Scottish Chamber Orchestra Education Fellow 2007
He is also a board member of Catherine Wheels Theatre. He brings a keen interest and knowledge of performing arts education, with a particular focus on inclusion and working in Scotland’s funding landscape. He firmly believes that Performing Arts can and should have a greater presence, relevance and influence in our society.