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Home / Member / Dr. Nan Qi

Nan Qi is a music education and piano professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in the city of Natal (Brazil), as well as the International Coordinator for UFRN’s School of Music. Originally from Tianjin (China), she received a PhD in Music Education from Western University (Canada), a M.A. at McGill University (Canada), and a B.A. at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music (China). At UFRN, she co-founded the university's Children Choir, which focuses on learning and performing a multicultural repertoire, and she often performs as part of the Qi-Cesetti Piano Duo, which specializes in Canadian, Chinese and Brazilian 4-hand piano music and has performed in several cities in Brazil and Poland. Her research interests include transformative learning, multiculturalism, immigration issues, and community music, and artistic citizenship. Nan Qi has presented her research at several international conferences, in countries such as the United States, Ireland, Brazil, and China, and has also published her work at journals such as OpusPer Musi (Brazil), and the Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education. She is a member of the editorial board for the Canadian Music Educator journal, as well as of the CReArC network (Copenhagen Centre for Research in Artistic Citizenship), collaborating with scholars from Kenya, Denmark, Sweden, United States, and Brazil. 


