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Home / Member / Dr. Margarita Lorenzo de Reizábal
Conductor, Researcher, Composer, Pianist, Professor MUSIKENE -Basque Country Higher Music Education School.

She holds a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the UPV (University of the Basque Country). pianist of the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra from 1982 to 1998, Master in Psychodidactics by the University of the Basque Country, and a PhD in Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. She currently teaches Choral and Orchestral Conducting in Musikene (Basque Country Higher Music Education Conservatory-Spain) and combines teaching with her artistic activity as guest conductor of national and international orchestras, bands and choirs. She regularly participates in International Music and Education Conferences, providing communications, posters, workshops, moderating round tables and teaching lessons about her research area.

In 1987 she obtained by opposition the Chair of Armonia-Composicion of the Professional Conservatory of Leioa. Since 1991 she has been principal conductor of the Leioa Youth Orchestra (LYO) in front of which she has performanced around 450 concerts and the recording of 7 CDs with symphony, choral-symphonic works. She has conducted to outstanding personalities such as Felix Ayo, Joaquín Achúcarro, Ara Malikian, Pilar Jurado or Igor Yebra, to mention only some of them.

She has taught international piano, conducting and chamber music courses and has directed courses in Analysis and Music Education for teachers. For the last years she is engaged with the reserch in the field of Orchestra Conducting and its Didactics.

She is co-author of the book "Musical Analysis: keys to understanding and interpreting music" (Ed Boileau, 2004). In 2008 she published her book "On the podium: handbook for orchestra conducting, choirs, bands and other instrumental ensembles" in the same Catalan publishing house and it has been translated into several languages (French and Dutch)

Since 2007 she is a tenured professor by opposition of the Composition and Conducting Department in Musikene where she has carried out pedagogical management tasks, Head of the Department of Conducting and Composition, as well as director of Academic Organization. She was the person responsible for implementing the new curricula adapted to the EHEA in the field of music and coordinated the convergence process to Bologna within the commission created for this purpose in Spain.

She is a member of ISME since 2014 and member of the Board of SEM-EE (ISME in Spain), being the coordinator of the research commissions. She has published articles in impact journals inside and outside of Spain about the Didactics of the Orchestra Conducting, about the future employability of the Graduates of the Conservatories, and about the collective classes of music and the benefits of it. She has also been selected to be part of the body of Peer-Reviewers of the quality agency MusiQhE sponsored by the AEC for the accreditation of music education programs and institutions in Europe.

For more information, consult my ORCID:

