Dr Kathleen Turner is a singer, songwriter, community musician and lecturer at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, where she is Course Director for the Masters Degree in Community Music and teaches on a number of programmes including MA Songwriting and BA Performing Arts. She is an experienced community choral leader and has directed a number of significant performances. In 2011, Kathleen performed for the Dalai Lama during his visit to Limerick, both as a singer in the female chant ensemble ‘Terirem’, and as a conductor, leading a children’s choir in a specially composed piece, ‘Forgiveness is a Gift.’ She is the conductor of the Irish World Academy Gospel Choir and the former conductor of the Limerick Gospel Choir and the University of Limerick Gospel Choir.Kathleen recently completed a Ph.D in Arts Practice at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, exploring the role of music in the process of social regeneration. She also holds two Masters Degrees from the University of Limerick, MA Community Music and MA Ritual Chant and Song. In 2008 she was invited by the Irish Chamber Orchestra to pilot a Sistema inspired initiative in Limerick City. The programme, Sing Out with Strings, now provides 300 children annually with free access to singing, songwriting and instrumental tuition. From 2008 – 2014, Kathleen was Community Engagement Manager for the Irish Chamber Orchestra, implementing a number of projects that bring live music into the classroom and community. She continues to maintain a strong relationship with the Irish Chamber Orchestra and Sing Out with Strings.

Kathleen Turner
Course Director, MA Community Music
University of Limerick
Dr Kathleen Turner is a singer, songwriter, community musician and lecturer at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, where she is Course Director for the Masters Degree in Community Music and teaches on a number of programmes including MA Songwriting and BA Performing Arts. Kathleen is a commissioner for CMA (Community Music Activity) and is currently Co-Chair of CMA with Dr Gillian Howell. She is also a member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Community Music.