Dr.Kerchner is the secondary-school music and choral music education specialist. She is also founder and conductor of the Oberlin College Women’s Chorale and the Oberlin Music at Grafton (OMAG) prison choir. Her research interests include children’s responses during music listening, choral music education, empathetic leadership, assessment, teacher identity development, and reflective thinking. She is the author of Music Across the Senses: Listening, Learning, Making Meaning (OUP, 2013), Musicianship: Composing in Choir (GIA, 2016). She has served as the MISTEC chairperson and commissioner (2006-2012), on the ISME editorial board, and on the ISME Board, 2018-2020 and 2020-2022 bienniums. She is ISME President-Elect for the 2024-26 biennium.

Jody Kerchner
United States
Professor of Music Education
Oberlin College & Conservatory of Music