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Home / Member / Dr. Jan McMillan

Jan’s inquisitive mindset and problem-solving skills have allowed her to transfer creative pedagogies to the piano teaching industry. As an instigator, project leader and mentor she is highly ranked by her peers and industry resulting in several scholarships and grants for teaching and learning. She has demonstrated high quality leadership, communication and organisational skills by instigating and leading group projects particularly in her position as senior lecturer at UPSI Malaysia where she received outstanding appraisals. She has contributed generously to Suzuki and Orff Schulwerk associations in Western Australia culminating as Vice President. She is also an engaging speaker/performer at many international and national conferences. Her creativity and passion for new pedagogies has led her to publish peer reviewed papers for many international and national publications including ANCOS and the World Piano Teachers conference. She has also collaborated with other disciplines including education and social sciences to produce a book chapter on critical thinking and creativity. 

