We are an organization committed to transforming the lives of our youth and communities through the inspiration, discipline, and performance of classical ensemble music. El Sistema Santa Cruz was founded in 2012, as an El Sistema inspired orchestral and choral education program and is a bold and ambitious systematic approach to community enhancement through orchestral, ensemble playing and singing. Students engage in rigorous daily practice and rehearsals, perform regularly on stage and throughout the community, and learn the importance of becoming responsible citizens. Our staff offer music education each day after school to students at Gault, Radcliff, Mintie White elementary schools and Duncan Holbert pre-school.
El Sistema Santa Cruz is mainly an Orff-based pre-orchestra program working with local school districts and local foundations to offer a tuition-free after-school program that operates during the school year. In addition to providing musical training and enrichment, El Sistema teaches respect, responsibility, cooperation, community service, empathy and dedication. Surveys have shown that El Sistema students benefit from improved study habits, improved grades and improved self-esteem and confidence.
Isabelle Tuncer
United States, United States
Executive Director
El Sistema Santa Cruz/Pajaro Valley
By supporting students through in person program such as Safe Spaces and providing a platform for the voices of students through all the different ways to do music (ensemble work, peer to peer teaching, mentoring, improvising and composing) El Sistema is in the unique position to provide much needed social emotional support, alleviating the sense of loss and anxiety triggered by the isolation imposed by the pandemic and giving both parents and their children a way to cope.