Gwen has over twenty-five years experience teaching music at primary, secondary and higher levels of education. She is Associate Professor of Music Education at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick and has been working in Initial Teacher Education since 2006. Gwen was Director of Teaching and Learning at MIC from 2016-2023, where she provided strategic leadership in the development of Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Feedback at Institutional and National level. She is an awardee of several funding awards in the field of music education and teaching and learning. Prior to her work with ISME, Gwen was Chair of the Society for Music Education in Ireland (2013-2017) and was re-elected Chair (2022-24). Her research interests include inter alia: Higher music education; Social reproduction of musical value in higher education; Bourdieu and music in higher education; Popular music education; Unequal access to music education; Teaching and Learning; Ideology, musical value and musical knowledge; Primary teachers’ perceptions of musical ability; Informal learning in music education; Music education advocacy.

Gwen Moore
ISME Board Member (2020-24), Associate Professor of Music Education
Mary Immaculate College