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Home / Member / Prof. Gail Berenson

Gail Berenson, Professor Emerita of Piano at Ohio University, Athens, is a dedicated teacher, passionate chamber music collaborator, author and noted advocate and expert on musician wellness issues.  She was the recipient of the 2002 Ohio University School of Music’s Distinguished Teaching Award and the 2016 Outstanding Service Award.  A powerful advocate on musicians’ health issues, she was the founding Chair and currently serves as Co-Chair of the College Music Society’s Committee on Musicians’ Health.  She was the founding Chair and currently serves as Special Advisor of the ISME Musicians’ Health and Wellness Special Interest Group and was the founding Chair of the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy’s Committee on Pianists’ Wellness. She continues to be an active and passionate collaborative pianist, and has performed and lectured across the U.S. and in eleven countries. A Past President of Music Teachers National Association, an association of 23,000 members, she was the recipient of the 2007 MTNA Fellow Award and the 2015 MTNA Distinguished Service Award and was recipient of the Frances Clark Center on Keyboard Pedagogy's Outstanding Service Recognition Award in 2015 and its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2021.

