Dr. Elizabeth Andang'o is a Lecturer of Music Education and Performance at Kenyatta University, Kenya, since 1998. She holds a PhD in Music Education from Kenyatta University (2009), an MA in Music Education and a Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Music. With a background as a specialist music educator, Elizabeth teaches various undergraduate and graduate courses in Music Education and Vocal Studies. Her interests in early childhood and childhood music education include curriculum, pedagogy, culture, music in multicultural settings and singing. Her current research includes a project on the relationship between singing and culture among 10 to 11 year olds under the AIRS (Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing) Project. Another work in progress is a documentation of the development of early childhood music education in Kenya since its inception into formal education. Dr Andang'o has presented her research findings at various national, regional and international conferences including RIME, ECME, PASMAE and ISME. She has published articles in Arts Education Policy Review, Early Child Development & Care, and the East African Journal of Music Education. She has also contributed chapters in books including A Biography of Kenyan Musicians (Vol. I) among others. She has served in the ECME Commission since 2010.

Elizabeth Andang'o
Kenyatta University