Dr. Carlos Poblete Lagos (Santiago, Chile). I am music teacher, musician and researcher. As member of ISME, I have participated in Latin-American regional and World conferences of ISME since 2010 until today. I served as Chair of the organiser committee of 9th Latin-American - 2nd Pan-American Regional Conference of Music Education of ISME, in 2013. Since 2016, I'm part of Commission Policy on Music: Culture, Education and Mass Media of ISME. Between 2020 - 2021, I was Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Munich. Currently, I am Associate Professor at Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences, in Chile, and Visiting Researcher at University of Munich. My research interest lies in the intersection between music education, culture, and sociology, with particular interest on the study of cultural repertoires, social-cultural processes and cultural diversity in local and global contexts, present into the policies and teacher practices in music education.

Carlos Poblete Lagos
Associate Professor
Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences