Assotiate Professor of Piano at Federal Univeristy of Cariri, Brazilian pianist Carina Joly holds a MM and a DMA in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from Penn State University and Oklahoma University (USA), and has developed post-graduate studies in Music Physiology at the Zurich University of the Arts (Switzerland) and in Neuropsychology at Faculdade do Norte Novo de Apucarana (Brazil). Her passionate interest in interdisciplinary research on prevention of injuries in musicians shaped her pedagogical principles, which emphasize postural alignment and ergonomics applied to music performance techniques. Besides performing and teaching, Dr. Joly has been actively coaching musicians and music teachers on how to incorporate preventive measures into their playing/singing/conducting and teaching activities. She supports a consequent reform in music performance pedagogy for the improvement of musicians’ accessibility towards a lifelong healthy performance experience. Since 2011, she has presented in numerous international conferences and has appeared as a master class artist, clinician, guest speaker and postural consultant in Brazil, Peru, Chile, the US, Canada, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Germany, Denmark, Slovenia, Serbia and Switzerland.

Carina Joly
Associate Professor of Piano and Music Education
Federal University of Cariri