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Home / Member / Benjamin Oduro Arhin Jnr

Benjamin Oduro Arhin Jnr

Department of Music Education
School of Creative Arts 
University of Education, Winneba. or 
Mobile: +233 (0) 24 417 4395 


Benjamin Oduro Arhin Jnr has a pseudonym as BNOSKKA which is popular in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) circles and on showbiz and other entertainment business platforms.

Bnoskka, is a Creative Arts Business and Intellectual Property Consultant, and also an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Education, Winneba Ghana. He is a member of the followingorganizations: Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA),International Society for Music Education (ISME), Ghana Arts Teachers Association (GATA) and Music in Africa. He has worked with the Copyright Office of Ghana, has  experience in creative arts business, arts and culture, music business, copyright and he is a coach for career and entrepreneurial skills and youth in a mentorship programs.

He has appeared on several newspapers, national television and radio programs across West Africa. He is also organizes workshops, seminars, and public lectures for students and professionals in the CCIs.

Bnoskka had his BA Arts degree in Music & Sociology at University of Cape Coast, Ghana, MPhil in Music at University of Ghana, Diploma in Education at Alison Institute, UK, and the following from WIPO Academy: Certificate in Introduction to Intellectual Property, Certificate in Patent Treaty, and Certificate in Trademark. 

He has had workshop/seminars at the following places: University of Education, Winneba, University of Cape Coast, University of Ghana, Valley View University, Kings University College, Musicians Union of Ghana Head Office, Airport View Hotel Accra, Alisa Hotel, Accra Tourism Information Centre, Dubai UAE, UK, Etc.

Bnoskka aims at linking arts to business and protecting creativity for CCIs stakeholders, investors, policymakers, amateur practitioners and professionals across the Africa continent and beyond.

Social media handles Bnoskka: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, & Telegram 

