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Home / Member / Dr. Ann Shoebridge

Ann Shoebridge has a keen interest in assisting performers to achieve their best by teaching practical strategies to support performance and health. With lifelong involvement in music as a background, Ann has a doctorate in physiotherapy researching playing-related musculoskeletal problems in tertiary student musicians, and is a qualified Alexander Technique teacher. In addition to her work at the University of Melbourne Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, Ann’s teaching portfolio includes professional symphony orchestra training programs, Musicians' Health and Wellness at the University of York, the Australian Youth Orchestra, and Britain’s Royal Shakespeare Company.
Ann is part of an international research network in musician's health, and has presented her work at performing arts health and music education conferences in Australia, the US and the UK. She has published a study on optimal posture for musicians, and another on student perspectives on developing a health protocol for young elite musicians. Ann enjoys collaborating with music teachers and other professionals to shape work practices and environments that enable performers to thrive.

