Angeliki Triantafyllaki (PhD, MPhil, BA) is Assistant Professor of Music Education, Technology and Teacher Education at the Department of Music Studies, University of Athens.
She completed her PhD in Music Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (2008), UK. Her Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Thesis was on undergraduate students' music performance anxiety. She studied music and piano performance at the National Conservatory of Athens. She completed her undergraduate degree in Education Sciences at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2001).
She has extensive research experience obtained while working on international and national research projects, between 2009-2016 (UK HEA, European Commission FP7-ICT, HEA, Thalis) and has secured competitive funding for individual postdoctoral research (British Academy Visiting Fellowship, Greek State Scholarship Foundation). She has served on committees and editorial boards of international organisations and journals in music education. Since 2024 she is on the Editorial Board of EPoME (European Association of Music in Schools). Her current research focus is on international school music internships and mapping music education and teacher education in Europe, both realised through her participation in the European Erasmus+ research project TEAM (Coordinator: University of Potsdam).
She completed her PhD in Music Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (2008), UK. Her Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Thesis was on undergraduate students' music performance anxiety. She studied music and piano performance at the National Conservatory of Athens. She completed her undergraduate degree in Education Sciences at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2001).
She has extensive research experience obtained while working on international and national research projects, between 2009-2016 (UK HEA, European Commission FP7-ICT, HEA, Thalis) and has secured competitive funding for individual postdoctoral research (British Academy Visiting Fellowship, Greek State Scholarship Foundation). She has served on committees and editorial boards of international organisations and journals in music education. Since 2024 she is on the Editorial Board of EPoME (European Association of Music in Schools). Her current research focus is on international school music internships and mapping music education and teacher education in Europe, both realised through her participation in the European Erasmus+ research project TEAM (Coordinator: University of Potsdam).
She attended her first ISME conference in 2008 (Bologna). In 2012 she co-organised the Pre-Conference Seminar of CEPROM in Athens, and between 2012-16 she served as Commissioner to CEPROM. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of IJME and is a Commissioner for the Instrumental and Vocal Music Teaching Commission (IVMTC).