As one of ISME's most dedicated and outstanding members, Ana Lucía Frega has made a life-long contribution to the International Society for Music Education, commencing in 1966 when she became an ISME member, and attending her first of many ISME World Conferences. Since 1975, Ana Lucía has actively participated in the ISME Research Commission Seminar, serving as ISME Research Commissioner from 1980 to 1986 and chair of the ISME Research Commission from 1986-1988. From 1990 to 1994, Ana Lucía served on the ISME Board of Directors and in 1994 was elected ISME President-Elect. During her Presidency from 1996 to 1998, Ana Lucía strongly advocated for the concept of having ISME Regional Conferences and these became a reality in 1997 with the first of six subsequent Latin American ISME Regional Conferences. Ana Lucía‘s work within ISME is distinguished by her commitment to ensuring cultural diversity within our Society with adequate representation from all cultures and regions of the world, particularly with respect to the many different languages that are represented within the ISME membership. Ana Lucía's leadership skills helped facilitate discussions and debates that shaped the Society's evolution during and after her presidency. She was untiring in her efforts to articulate a strong vision and mission for ISME and to base her actions on a carefully crafted strategic plan that could be used to guide her Board's actions. Ana Lucía has had a distinguished career in music education both nationally and internationally. At the national level, she received the first Doctor (PhD) in Music Education in Argentina in 1996, and was a regular member of the National Academy of Education, Director of the Master's Degree in Music Didactics, and founder and Director of the first Research Center in Music Education in Argentina (CIEM). Ana Lucía was President of the Argentine Society for Music Educators, Vice President of the Argentine Society for Music Education, and a member of the International Music Council Executive Committee (1998-2004). She also served as a consultant for UNESCO and for the Argentine Ministry of Culture and Education. Ana Lucía Frega is recognized as one of the most important and significant contributors to Argentine music education and to the International Society for Music Education. Her dedication and devotion to our profession crosses all borders. It is with the greatest of pleasure therefore that the ISME Board of Directors unanimously recommend to the membership of ISME at this 2008 General Assembly, that Ana Lucía Frega be recognized as an Honorary Life Member of the International Society for Music Education

Ana-Lucia Frega
Red Latinoamericana de Educación Musical – Rede Latino-Americana de Educação Musical (RELEM)