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Home / Events / Lee Higgins presentation: ISME is an 'all season' society

At the General Assembly 2016 Lee Higgins, President, ISME outlined to members his plans for the next biennium for the society.

This included:

  • Continuing the review of the constitution, bylaws and policies, being led by Gary McPherson and his team
  • Creating an 'all season' society that builds inclusivity and value between conferences
  • Articulating the importance of an inclusive music education to a wider section of society
  • Further develping the Board culture to be more inclusive, more integrated across silos and to ensure all Board members feel their voice is heard, valued and included
  • Baku 2018 as part of ISME's focus on supporting music education in different regions of the world and creating wider access to music education

The downloads provided on the tabs below are:

  • A screenshot of the Prezi presentation
  • The script for Lee's speaker notes



Lee Higgins presentation. Speaker notes. Download
Screenshot of Prezi presentation Download