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Home / Events / 9th World Alliance for Arts Education International Conference 2019

The World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) is a joint iniative between ISME, IDEA (International Drama/Theatre Education Association), INSea (International Society of Education through Art) and WDA  (World Dance Alliance). This is an announcement by WAAE. 


Call for papers EXTENDED to 13 February 2019.


Arts education for everybody? Every student? Everywhere?

What’s happened since Lisbon Road Map 2006 and Seoul Agenda 2010?

Evaluation and planning a way forward 

WAAE has discussed important arts education issues in annual international summits since 2006. In March 2019 the WAAE meets in Egypt to future planning. This meeting will be followed by a conference in Frankfurt, where WAAE will review UNESCO rts education policies and chart a plan for the next five years of action.

IDEA, InSEA, ISME and WDA invite all experts and representatives of their associations from all parts of the world and UNESCO to an international conference in Frankfurt/M, Germany, on October, 28th to November 1st in 2019. 

UNESCO stated clearly at the World Arts Education conference in Seoul 2010 the need to:

“Enact policies and deploy resources to ensure sustainable access to:

  • comprehensive studies in all arts fields for students at all levels of schooling as part of a broad and holistic education,
  • out of school experiences in all arts fields for a diversity of learners in communities,
  • interdisciplinary arts experiences including digital and other emerging art forms both in school and out of school. ”  

(Goals for development of arts education, Seoul, 2010)

What has happened since 2010 in diverse formal education systems worldwide?

Has there been any progress in approaching the aspirations of the Seoul Agenda?

In Frankfurt the focus is on evaluating the situation of arts education in formal education (schools) -  quantity, quality, accessibility, models for arts co-operation etc..

Researchers and experts from national arts education associations are invited to contribute to  the evaluation of diverse real situations, judge them and discuss strategic planning with UNESCO experts about next steps and aims for the next decade of arts education policy.


BVTS (National Association for Theatre In Schools, Germany), in co-operation with Frankfurt City Council, Schultheater-Studio Frankfurt, German associations for arts education, Deutscher Kulturrat

28 October 2019 at 4.00 pm until 1 November 2019 at 1.00 pm. Registration starts at 1.00 pm on Monday 28 October 2019

Hotels and conference venues are close to “Museums-Ufer” Frankfurt-Main-City-centre and Sachsenhausen, and in institutions/schools for musical, fine arts, dance and theatre education.

E300 for eary bird before 15 March 2019. E400 for standard registration until 1 July 2019. Registration fee includes: Full programme, accommodation (4 nights in close by middle class hotels), breakfasts, conference dinner

Please send  to Mr Joachim Reiss before 13 February 2019


IDEA – International Drama/Theatre and Education Association
InSEA- International Society for Education through Art
ISME – International Society for Music Education
WDA – World Dance Alliance

More information about WAAE conference in Frankfurt 2019 Download