Engaging in music is evident in promoting mental health and well-being, as well as contributing to holistic development of higher order thinking skills. The theme of 10th APSMER is to promote music and music education to the future generation in all settings for more in-depth engagement in learning and pursuing music.
The Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research (APSMER) was established in 1997 by the International Society for Music Education. The APSMER has become the regional conference of ISME in the Asia-Pacific region in 2007 and it has provided a forum for Asia-Pacific researchers, graduate students and teachers in music education to meet every two years. The symposium aims to share knowledge and experience among music educators in the Asia-Pacific region and to provide opportunity for music educators to develop networks and work collaboratively in advancing the theory and practice of music education.
The 11th APSMER conference will take place in mid 2017.